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"So Helpful - NOT"

A review of Staples Uk- Head Office by Margaret Hughes written on Friday 11th of October 2013


Well, STAPLES Llandudno you are the absolute pits. Came to your store this morning regarding my 11month old still under warranty laptop on which the hard drive is kaput. Your attitude stinks. To insist that I should have taken out the expensive 5 year warranty is no excuse and to tell me to contact Hewlett Packard didn't help either when you say that I have to ask them to pick it up, repair it, and THEN contact them again to ask them to deliver it back, on top of which it will take over a month for it to be put right. When I ask to talk to your Manager, I would expect common courtesy DEMANDS that he came to talk to me instead of telling the assistant to tell me there is nothing STAPLES Llandudno can do. YES YOU COULD:

1) you could have been more helpful,

2) you could have got off your arse and come to see and talk me.

My final message to you MR.MANAGER is that the Business Account with your store is NOW CLOSED.

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Staples Uk- Head Office

Map showing Staples Uk- Head Office on London Road